Philosophy of the Northern Indiana Power from the Past, Inc.
The functional purpose of this corporation is to preserve, rejuvenate, and display antique farm machinery and any other form of machinery utilized in the growth of the U.S.A. Futher, it is the intention of the corporation to foster and perpetuate in the minds of all Americans respect, interest, and recognition of the vital role that different forms of machinery, no matter what their power source, have played in the development of our society as a whole.
We will have an ATM at the show for & we have Square!! You can now use credit cards for any purchase in our show office. Phone number: (574) 946-4841 (active the week of the show only).
Feature Tractor List
2025 - Ford
2026- Oliver /Hart Parr
2027 – Featureless 50th Come One Came ALL!
2028- Case Wallis
2030 – Minneapolis-Moline/Cockshut/White
2031 – Massy-Haris/Massy Ferguson
2032 – Odd Balls
2033 – Case.
This list is subject to change but will be kept updated as needed.
Summer Show
July 17, 18, 19,& 20, 2025
Toy Show
January 18, 2026
Located in Winamac, IN.